What Is A Schedule Of Values

What Is A Schedule Of Values


As construction projects can involve a lot of different tasks and stages, it can be difficult to track progress and ensure that everyone involved is being paid fairly. This is where a Schedule of Values comes in.

Personal Experience

As a project manager, I have seen firsthand the importance of having a well-structured Schedule of Values. Without it, it can be difficult to keep track of payments and ensure that everyone involved is on the same page.

What Is A Schedule Of Values?

A Schedule of Values is essentially a document that outlines the various tasks and stages involved in a construction project, along with the associated costs. It is typically broken down into different categories, such as labor, materials, and equipment.

Why Is It Important?

By having a detailed Schedule of Values, everyone involved in the project can understand exactly what work has been completed and what still needs to be done. This can help to ensure that payments are made fairly and that the project stays on track.

Detail Schedule Guide

Creating a Schedule of Values can be a complex process, but there are some key steps that can help to ensure that it is effective. These include:

  1. Identifying all of the tasks and stages involved in the project
  2. Breaking these down into specific categories, such as labor, materials, and equipment
  3. Assigning a value to each category based on the estimated cost
  4. Updating the Schedule of Values regularly as the project progresses

Schedule Table

Here is an example of what a Schedule of Values might look like:

Category Value
Labor $50,000
Materials $25,000
Equipment $10,000

Question and Answer

Q: Who typically creates the Schedule of Values?

A: The Schedule of Values is typically created by the project manager, with input from other members of the team.

Q: How often should the Schedule of Values be updated?

A: The Schedule of Values should be updated regularly, ideally on a weekly basis, to ensure that everyone involved is aware of any changes to the project.


Q: What happens if a task takes longer than anticipated?

A: If a task takes longer than anticipated, the Schedule of Values may need to be updated to reflect the additional costs involved.

Q: How does the Schedule of Values help to ensure that everyone is paid fairly?

A: By outlining the specific tasks and associated costs, the Schedule of Values helps to ensure that everyone is aware of what work has been completed and what still needs to be done. This can help to ensure that payments are made fairly and that there are no disputes over payment.

Roofing Schedule Of Values Template Google Docs, Google Sheets, Excel
Roofing Schedule Of Values Template Google Docs, Google Sheets, Excel from www.template.net

What Is A Schedule Of Values