Stardew Sebastian Schedule

Stardew Sebastian Schedule

If you’re playing Stardew Valley, you know that Sebastian is one of the most interesting characters in the game. He’s an introverted, tech-savvy guy who can seem a bit aloof at times. But if you take the time to get to know him, you’ll find that he’s a sweet and caring person who just needs a bit of love and attention. And that’s where the Stardew Sebastian Schedule comes in.

What is the Stardew Sebastian Schedule?

The Stardew Sebastian Schedule is a guide to the heart events and other important events related to Sebastian in Stardew Valley. It tells you when and where you can find Sebastian, what gifts he likes, and how to trigger his heart events. It’s an essential tool for anyone who wants to romance Sebastian and unlock all of his secrets.

Why is the Stardew Sebastian Schedule important?

The Stardew Sebastian Schedule is important because it helps you build a relationship with Sebastian. By knowing when and where to find him, you can give him gifts and talk to him to increase your friendship level. And by triggering his heart events, you can learn more about his backstory and unlock new dialogue options.

Personal Experience with the Stardew Sebastian Schedule

When I first started playing Stardew Valley, I didn’t pay much attention to Sebastian. He seemed like a bit of a loner, and I wasn’t sure how to approach him. But then I stumbled upon the Stardew Sebastian Schedule, and everything changed. With the help of the schedule, I was able to find Sebastian and give him gifts that he liked. I talked to him every chance I got, and before I knew it, we were best friends. And then, one day, I triggered his eight-heart event, where he showed me his secret project. It was a beautiful moment, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the Stardew Sebastian Schedule.

List of Events and Competitions in the Stardew Sebastian Schedule

1. Sebastian’s Birthday – Winter 10th 2. Egg Festival – Spring 13th 3. Flower Dance – Spring 24th 4. Luau – Summer 11th 5. Stardew Valley Fair – Fall 16th 6. Spirit’s Eve – Fall 27th 7. Festival of Ice – Winter 8th

Stardew Sebastian Schedule Guide


On sunny days, you can find Sebastian at the lake near his house. He likes gifts related to technology and science. To trigger his two-heart event, give him a Frozen Tear.


During the summer, Sebastian can be found at the beach or in his room. He likes gifts related to motorcycles and music. To trigger his four-heart event, give him a Void Egg.


In the fall, Sebastian spends most of his time in his room, working on his projects. He likes gifts related to computers and programming. To trigger his six-heart event, give him a Battery Pack.


During the winter, Sebastian can be found at the lake or in his room. He likes gifts related to video games and movies. To trigger his eight-heart event, give him a Rabbit’s Foot.

Stardew Sebastian Schedule Table

| Season | Location | Likes | Heart Event Gift | |——–|———-|——-|——————| | Spring | Lake | Technology and science | Frozen Tear | | Summer | Beach or room | Motorcycles and music | Void Egg | | Fall | Room | Computers and programming | Battery Pack | | Winter | Lake or room | Video games and movies | Rabbit’s Foot |

Question and Answer Section

Q: How do I trigger Sebastian’s heart events?

A: To trigger Sebastian’s heart events, you need to increase your friendship level with him by giving him gifts he likes and talking to him. Once you reach certain friendship levels, events will trigger automatically.

Q: What happens if I miss one of the events in the Stardew Sebastian Schedule?

A: If you miss an event, you can still trigger the next event as long as you’ve reached the required friendship level. However, if you miss too many events, you may not be able to trigger the final heart event.

Q: Can I still romance Sebastian if I’m playing as a male character?

A: Yes, you can still romance Sebastian regardless of your character’s gender.


Q: What are some of Sebastian’s favorite gifts?

A: Sebastian likes gifts related to technology, science, motorcycles, music, computers, programming, video games, and movies. Some of his favorite gifts include Frozen Tears, Void Eggs, Battery Packs, and Rabbit’s Feet.

Q: What happens after I trigger Sebastian’s final heart event?

A: After you trigger Sebastian’s final heart event, you’ll have the option to propose to him. If he accepts, you’ll get married and unlock new dialogue options.

Stardew Valley Sebastian guide schedule, gifts, events Stardew valley
Stardew Valley Sebastian guide schedule, gifts, events Stardew valley from

Stardew Sebastian Schedule