Schedule Body Beast

Schedule Body Beast

My Personal Experience with Schedule Body Beast

As someone who has always struggled with gaining muscle and getting in shape, I was excited to try out Schedule Body Beast. I had heard great things about this program and was eager to see if it could help me achieve my fitness goals.

After just a few weeks of following the Schedule Body Beast program, I was amazed at the results. Not only was I seeing noticeable gains in muscle mass, but I also felt more energized and confident in my body. The program was challenging but manageable, and I appreciated the structure it provided for my workouts.

What is Schedule Body Beast?

Schedule Body Beast is a workout program designed to help individuals build muscle and get in shape. The program utilizes a combination of weightlifting and cardio exercises to help users achieve their fitness goals. The program is designed to be completed over a period of 90 days, with users following a specific schedule of workouts and rest days.

List of Events or Competition of Schedule Body Beast

  • Body Beast Classic
  • Body Beast Lean
  • Body Beast Huge

Detail Schedule Guide for Schedule Body Beast

The Schedule Body Beast program is broken down into three phases, each lasting for 30 days. During each phase, users follow a specific schedule of workouts and rest days. The program includes a mix of weightlifting and cardio exercises, with a focus on building muscle and improving overall fitness.

Phase 1: Build โ€“ During this phase, users focus on building a solid foundation of muscle through weightlifting exercises. Workouts during this phase include exercises such as squats, chest presses, and bicep curls. Rest days are included throughout the week to allow for muscle recovery.

Phase 2: Bulk โ€“ During this phase, users continue to build muscle while also increasing overall strength. Workouts during this phase include exercises such as deadlifts, pull-ups, and lunges. Cardio exercises are also included to help users maintain cardiovascular fitness.

Phase 3: Beast โ€“ During the final phase of the program, users focus on maximizing muscle growth and overall fitness. Workouts during this phase include a mix of weightlifting and cardio exercises, with a focus on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to burn fat and build muscle.

Schedule Table for Schedule Body Beast

Day Workout
Monday Chest and Triceps
Tuesday Back and Biceps
Wednesday Rest Day
Thursday Legs
Friday Shoulders and Arms
Saturday Cardio
Sunday Rest Day

Question and Answer

Q: Is Schedule Body Beast suitable for beginners?

A: While Schedule Body Beast is designed for individuals who have some experience with weightlifting and exercise, beginners can still benefit from the program. It is important to start with lighter weights and focus on proper form to avoid injury.

Q: Do I need any special equipment to complete Schedule Body Beast?

A: The program requires access to weights, a bench, and a pull-up bar. Some additional equipment, such as resistance bands, may also be helpful but are not required.

Q: Can I customize the Schedule Body Beast program to fit my specific fitness goals?

A: While the program is designed to be completed as outlined, users can adjust the weight and intensity of their workouts to fit their individual fitness goals.


Q: How long does each workout last?

A: Workouts typically last between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the day and phase of the program.

Q: How often should I rest during the program?

A: Rest days are built into the program, and it is important to take these days to allow for muscle recovery. Users should also listen to their bodies and take additional rest days as needed.

Q: Will I see results with Schedule Body Beast?

A: While individual results may vary, many users have seen noticeable gains in muscle mass and overall fitness after completing the program.

Overall, I highly recommend Schedule Body Beast to anyone looking to build muscle and get in shape. The program is challenging but manageable, and the results are well worth the effort.

Body Beast + Running Hybrid Training Schedule Body beast, Body beast
Body Beast + Running Hybrid Training Schedule Body beast, Body beast from

Schedule Body Beast