Puppy Water Schedule At Night

Puppy Water Schedule At Night


As a new pet parent, you may wonder if your furry friend needs water at night. While it’s essential to keep your puppy hydrated, you also want to avoid accidents and sleepless nights. In this article, we’ll share our experience and tips on creating a puppy water schedule at night.

Our Experience

When we first brought our puppy home, we left a bowl of water in his crate at night. However, he would often spill it, causing a mess and waking us up. We also noticed that he would drink too much water before bedtime, leading to frequent potty breaks.

Why a Puppy Water Schedule at Night is Important

A puppy’s bladder is small and underdeveloped, making them prone to accidents. If they drink too much water at night, they may need to go outside several times, disrupting their sleep and yours. Moreover, leaving an overflowing bowl of water in their crate can create a breeding ground for bacteria and parasites.

Tips for Creating a Puppy Water Schedule at Night

Here are some tips to ensure your puppy stays hydrated without disrupting their sleep.

Limit Water Intake Before Bedtime

About an hour before bedtime, remove your puppy’s water bowl and encourage them to drink. This way, they can hydrate themselves without overdoing it.

Offer Water During Scheduled Potty Breaks

If your puppy needs to go outside for a potty break, offer them a small amount of water. This way, they can quench their thirst without drinking too much.

Use a No-Spill Water Bowl

Invest in a no-spill water bowl that won’t tip over or spill. This will prevent accidents and keep your puppy’s crate dry.

Events and Competitions

Dog shows and competitions often include water-based events, such as dock diving and water retrieval. These events showcase a dog’s athleticism and swimming skills, and they’re a fun way to bond with your pet.

Schedule Guide for Puppy Water Schedule at Night

Here’s a sample schedule to help you create a puppy water schedule at night.

8:00 PM โ€“ Last Call for Water

Remove your puppy’s water bowl and encourage them to drink.

10:00 PM โ€“ Potty Break

Take your puppy outside for a potty break and offer them a small amount of water.

12:00 AM โ€“ Midnight Potty Break

Take your puppy outside for a quick potty break and avoid offering water.

3:00 AM โ€“ Early Morning Potty Break

Take your puppy outside for a quick potty break and avoid offering water.

6:00 AM โ€“ Wake Up Call

Offer your puppy water and take them outside for a potty break.

Schedule Table for Puppy Water Schedule at Night

Time Activity
8:00 PM Last Call for Water
10:00 PM Potty Break
12:00 AM Midnight Potty Break
3:00 AM Early Morning Potty Break
6:00 AM Wake Up Call

Question and Answer

Q: What if my puppy wakes up thirsty in the middle of the night?

A: If your puppy seems thirsty during a potty break, offer them a small amount of water. However, avoid leaving a bowl of water in their crate overnight.

Q: Can I leave ice cubes in my puppy’s water bowl?

A: Yes, ice cubes can help keep your puppy’s water cool and refreshing. However, ensure that they don’t become a choking hazard.


Q: How much water should I give my puppy?

A: The amount of water your puppy needs depends on their size, age, and activity level. Generally, puppies should drink about half a cup of water per pound of body weight per day.

Q: Can puppies drink tap water?

A: Yes, most tap water is safe for puppies to drink. However, if your tap water has a high level of contaminants, consider using a water filter or giving your puppy bottled water.

Q: When should I start limiting my puppy’s water intake at night?

A: You can start limiting your puppy’s water intake at night when they’re about 12 weeks old and have better bladder control. However, consult with your veterinarian for guidance.


Creating a puppy water schedule at night can help your furry friend stay hydrated while ensuring a good night’s sleep for both of you. Remember to limit water intake before bedtime, offer water during scheduled potty breaks, and use a no-spill water bowl. With a little patience and consistency, you can establish a healthy and happy routine for your puppy.

puppy water schedule at night Berrios
puppy water schedule at night Berrios from nickboyettrules.blogspot.com

Puppy Water Schedule At Night