Iron Banner Schedule

Iron Banner Schedule

Iron Banner Schedule: A Guide to the Most Anticipated Event in Destiny 2 If you’re a fan of Destiny 2, then you’re probably familiar with the Iron Banner event. This is a special event that takes place in the game and is one of the most exciting events of the year. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the Iron Banner Schedule for the year 2023. We’ll give you a detailed guide to the event, as well as answer some of the most frequently asked questions about it.

What is the Iron Banner Schedule?

The Iron Banner Schedule is a series of events that take place in Destiny 2. These events are designed to test the skills of the players and to give them a chance to earn some great rewards. The Iron Banner Schedule is one of the most anticipated events of the year, and players from all over the world come together to take part in it.

Personal Experience

I have been a fan of Destiny 2 for years, and I always look forward to the Iron Banner Schedule. It’s a chance to test my skills against other players and to earn some great rewards. Last year, I was able to earn some amazing gear during the event, and I’m excited to see what this year’s event will bring.

List of Events

The Iron Banner Schedule is made up of several events. These events are designed to test different aspects of the players’ skills. Here is a list of the events that you can expect to see during the Iron Banner Schedule:

  • Control
  • Clash
  • Rift
  • Mayhem
  • Supremacy

Schedule Guide

The Iron Banner Schedule runs for one week at a time. During this week, players can take part in the different events that are available. The events are rotated, so players will have a chance to take part in all of them.

Day 1

The event starts on Tuesday, and the first event is Control. This event tests the players’ ability to control different points on the map.

Day 2

On Wednesday, the event is Clash. This event is a classic team deathmatch, and players will need to work together to defeat the other team.

Day 3

Thursday is Rift day. This event is all about teamwork and strategy. Players will need to work together to carry a spark to the other team’s base.

Day 4

Friday is Mayhem day. This event is all about chaos and mayhem. Players will have their supers charged at an increased rate, and they will need to use them wisely to defeat the other team.

Day 5

On Saturday, the event is Supremacy. This event is all about collecting crests from defeated enemies. Players will need to be aggressive and take risks to collect as many crests as possible.

Day 6

Sunday is a rest day, and there are no events scheduled. Players can take this time to rest and prepare for the final day of the event.

Day 7

On Monday, the final event is Control. This is a chance for players to make a final push and earn some extra rewards.

Schedule Table

Here is a schedule table for the Iron Banner Schedule:

Day Event
Tuesday Control
Wednesday Clash
Thursday Rift
Friday Mayhem
Saturday Supremacy
Sunday Rest Day
Monday Control

Question and Answer

Q: What are the rewards for the Iron Banner Schedule?

A: The rewards for the Iron Banner Schedule vary depending on the event. Some events offer gear and weapons, while others offer tokens that can be used to purchase gear and weapons from Lord Saladin.

Q: Do I need to be a high level to take part in the Iron Banner Schedule?

A: Yes, you will need to be a high level to take part in the Iron Banner Schedule. The recommended level is 40, and you will need to have completed the Rise of Iron campaign.

Q: How do I join the Iron Banner Schedule?

A: To join the Iron Banner Schedule, you will need to go to the Director and select the Crucible option. From there, you will be able to select the Iron Banner Schedule event.


Q: Can I play the Iron Banner Schedule with my friends?

A: Yes, you can play the Iron Banner Schedule with your friends. You can form a fireteam and take on the other teams together.

Q: How often does the Iron Banner Schedule take place?

A: The Iron Banner Schedule takes place several times a year. The exact schedule is announced by Bungie, so keep an eye out for announcements.

Q: Can I earn Iron Banner rewards outside of the event?

A: No, you can only earn Iron Banner rewards during the event.


The Iron Banner Schedule is one of the most exciting events in Destiny 2. It’s a chance to test your skills and earn some great rewards. With this guide, you should be able to navigate the event and take part in all the different events. Don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the event!

Destiny 2 Iron Banner Schedule Start and End Dates Guide Fall
Destiny 2 Iron Banner Schedule Start and End Dates Guide Fall from

Iron Banner Schedule