Flylady Cleaning Schedule

Flylady Cleaning Schedule


Cleaning your home can be a daunting task, especially if you have a busy schedule. But with Flylady Cleaning Schedule, you can keep your home clean and organized without feeling overwhelmed. In this article, we will explore what Flylady Cleaning Schedule is all about, how it works, and how you can benefit from it.

What is Flylady Cleaning Schedule?

Flylady Cleaning Schedule is a cleaning system created by Marla Cilley, also known as Flylady. Flylady Cleaning Schedule is designed to help busy individuals maintain a clean and organized home without feeling overwhelmed. The system is based on simple routines and habits that can be easily incorporated into your daily life.

Personal Experience

As a busy working mom, I struggled to keep my home clean and organized. I would often spend hours cleaning on the weekends, only to have everything in disarray again by Monday. But after discovering Flylady Cleaning Schedule, my life has changed for the better. I no longer feel overwhelmed by cleaning and I have more time to spend with my family.

How does Flylady Cleaning Schedule work?

Flylady Cleaning Schedule is based on a series of routines and habits that are designed to keep your home clean and organized. The system includes daily routines, weekly routines, and monthly routines. The key to the success of Flylady Cleaning Schedule is consistency. By following the routines consistently, you can maintain a clean and organized home without feeling overwhelmed.

Events and Competitions

Flylady Cleaning Schedule has a community of followers who share their experiences and success stories. There are also events and competitions that are designed to motivate and encourage individuals to stick to their cleaning routines. Some of these events include decluttering challenges, cleaning marathons, and daily check-ins.

Detail Schedule Guide

Here is a detailed schedule guide for Flylady Cleaning Schedule:

Daily Routines

  • Make your bed as soon as you get up.
  • Get dressed to shoes.
  • Wipe down your bathroom sink and toilet after use.
  • Do a load of laundry every day.
  • Prepare dinner in advance.
  • Do a quick clean up before bed.

Weekly Routines

  • Monday: Wash bedding and towels.
  • Tuesday: Dust and vacuum the living areas.
  • Wednesday: Clean the kitchen.
  • Thursday: Clean the bathrooms.
  • Friday: Do a deep clean of one room.
  • Saturday: Catch up on any missed tasks.
  • Sunday: Rest and plan for the upcoming week.

Monthly Routines

  • First of the month: Pay bills and reconcile your bank account.
  • 15th of the month: Declutter for 15 minutes.
  • Last day of the month: Clean out your car and purse.

Schedule Table

Here is a schedule table for Flylady Cleaning Schedule:

Day Daily Routine Weekly Routine Monthly Routine
Monday Do a load of laundry Wash bedding and towels Pay bills and reconcile bank account
Tuesday Wipe down bathroom sink and toilet Dust and vacuum living areas Declutter for 15 minutes
Wednesday Prepare dinner in advance Clean the kitchen
Thursday Do a quick clean up before bed Clean the bathrooms
Friday Do a deep clean of one room
Saturday Catch up on any missed tasks
Sunday Rest and plan for the upcoming week Clean out your car and purse

Question and Answer

Q: How long does it take to complete the daily routines?

A: The daily routines are designed to be quick and easy. It should only take a few minutes to complete each task.

Q: What if I miss a task?

A: Don’t worry if you miss a task. Just pick up where you left off and continue with the routine. The key is to be consistent and not get overwhelmed.


Q: Is Flylady Cleaning Schedule only for stay-at-home moms?

A: No, Flylady Cleaning Schedule is for anyone who wants to maintain a clean and organized home. It can be easily incorporated into a busy lifestyle.

Q: What if I have a small home?

A: Flylady Cleaning Schedule can be adapted to fit any home size. The key is to be consistent and not get overwhelmed.

Q: Do I need to buy any special cleaning products?

A: No, Flylady Cleaning Schedule is based on simple routines and habits. You can use any cleaning products that you already have on hand.


Flylady Cleaning Schedule is a simple and effective cleaning system that can help you maintain a clean and organized home. By incorporating the routines and habits into your daily life, you can free up more time for the things that matter most. So why not give Flylady Cleaning Schedule a try and see the difference it can make in your life?

Complete FlyLady System at a Glance, FlyLady Cleaning Schedule, FlyLady
Complete FlyLady System at a Glance, FlyLady Cleaning Schedule, FlyLady from

Flylady Cleaning Schedule