Ferry Schedule Anacortes To Friday Harbor

Ferry Schedule Anacortes To Friday Harbor

Introduction: My Personal Experience

As a travel enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the beauty and charm of the San Juan Islands. One of the most popular ways to get there is by taking the ferry from Anacortes to Friday Harbor. I recently took this route and was blown away by the stunning views and the convenience of the ferry schedule. In this article, I will share everything you need to know about the ferry schedule Anacortes to Friday Harbor in 2023.

Events and Competitions

The ferry schedule Anacortes to Friday Harbor is not only a means of transportation but also a way to participate in events and competitions. One of the most popular events is the Annual Friday Harbor Fly-In and Open House, which takes place in July. The ferry schedule is adjusted during this time to accommodate the increased traffic. Additionally, there are several kayak races and regattas that take place throughout the year, and the ferry schedule is adjusted accordingly.

The Schedule Guide

The ferry schedule from Anacortes to Friday Harbor is operated by the Washington State Ferries. The schedule is subject to change depending on the season, weather conditions, and special events. However, the typical schedule in 2023 is as follows:


  • Departure from Anacortes: 5:45 AM, 9:10 AM, 11:35 AM, 2:05 PM, 4:30 PM, 6:20 PM, and 9:25 PM
  • Departure from Friday Harbor: 6:50 AM, 9:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 2:25 PM, 4:55 PM, 7:05 PM, and 10:00 PM


  • Departure from Anacortes: 5:45 AM, 9:10 AM, 11:35 AM, 2:05 PM, 4:30 PM, and 8:20 PM
  • Departure from Friday Harbor: 6:50 AM, 9:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 2:25 PM, 4:55 PM, and 8:45 PM

Schedule Table

Departure Time From Anacortes From Friday Harbor
5:45 AM X X
6:50 AM X
9:10 AM X
9:30 AM X
11:35 AM X
12:00 PM X
2:05 PM X
2:25 PM X
4:30 PM X
4:55 PM X
6:20 PM X
7:05 PM X
8:20 PM X
8:45 PM X
9:25 PM X
10:00 PM X


Q: How long does the ferry ride from Anacortes to Friday Harbor take?

A: The ferry ride takes approximately 1 hour and 35 minutes.

Q: Is it necessary to make a reservation for the ferry?

A: It is recommended to make a reservation, especially during the peak season or if you are traveling with a vehicle.

Q: Can I bring my pet on the ferry?

A: Yes, pets are allowed on the ferry, but they must be on a leash or in a carrier at all times.

Q: Are there food and beverage options on the ferry?

A: Yes, there is a cafeteria on board the ferry that offers a variety of food and drink options.

Q: What should I do if I miss my ferry?

A: If you miss your ferry, you can wait for the next available one or try to catch a later ferry on standby basis.


The ferry schedule Anacortes to Friday Harbor is an essential part of any travel itinerary to the San Juan Islands. With its stunning views and convenient schedule, it is an experience that you won’t forget. Whether you are planning to participate in events or just enjoy a peaceful getaway, the ferry schedule is your guide to a memorable trip in 2023.

Ferry Ride, Anacortes to Friday Harbor YouTube
Ferry Ride, Anacortes to Friday Harbor YouTube from www.youtube.com

Ferry Schedule Anacortes To Friday Harbor