Chipotle Just Barely Schedules Enough Workers

Chipotle Just Barely Schedules Enough Workers

A Personal Experience

As a frequent visitor to Chipotle, I have noticed that the lines are always long, and the wait times can be frustratingly long. On one occasion, I even witnessed a customer walk out in frustration because of the long line. It wasn’t until I read an article about Chipotle’s scheduling practices that I understood why this was happening.

What is Chipotle’s Scheduling Practice?

Chipotle’s scheduling practice is known as “just-in-time” scheduling. This means that they schedule their workers based on predicted customer traffic for that day. While this may seem like an efficient way of scheduling, it often leads to understaffing and long wait times for customers.

List of Events or Competition of “Chipotle Just Barely Schedules Enough Workers”

  • Customers walking out due to long wait times
  • Competition from other fast-casual restaurants
  • Negative reviews on social media and review websites

Detail Schedule Guide for “Chipotle Just Barely Schedules Enough Workers”

Chipotle’s scheduling practice involves predicting the number of customers that will walk in on a particular day. They then schedule their workers accordingly, with the number of workers increasing or decreasing based on customer traffic. This means that they may not have enough workers during peak hours, leading to long wait times for customers.

Schedule Table for “Chipotle Just Barely Schedules Enough Workers”

Time Number of Workers
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM 3
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM 4
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM 3
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 2
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM 3

Question and Answer

Q: Why does Chipotle use just-in-time scheduling?

A: Chipotle uses just-in-time scheduling to save on labor costs and increase efficiency. It allows them to schedule workers based on predicted customer traffic, which means that they are not paying workers when they are not needed.

Q: How does just-in-time scheduling affect customers?

A: Just-in-time scheduling often leads to understaffing during peak hours, which leads to long wait times for customers. This can result in negative reviews and customers walking out in frustration.


Q: What is the best time to visit Chipotle?

A: The best time to visit Chipotle is during off-peak hours, such as mid-morning or mid-afternoon. This is when they are least likely to be understaffed and have shorter wait times.

Q: Can I request for more workers to be scheduled during peak hours?

A: Unfortunately, customers cannot request for more workers to be scheduled during peak hours. Chipotle’s scheduling practice is based on predicted customer traffic, and they may not have the flexibility to add more workers on short notice.

Q: Are there any alternatives to Chipotle’s just-in-time scheduling?

A: Yes, some restaurants use a traditional scheduling practice where they schedule workers based on a fixed schedule. This can lead to overstaffing during slow periods, but it also ensures that there are enough workers during peak hours.

I tried the new Chipotle quesadilla and was disappointed by the size
I tried the new Chipotle quesadilla and was disappointed by the size from

Chipotle Just Barely Schedules Enough Workers