9 Week Old Sleep Schedule

9 Week Old Sleep Schedule


As a new parent, you may be wondering why your 9 week old baby is not sleeping well. You may find yourself waking up every few hours to feed, soothe or change your baby’s diaper. It’s important to understand that your baby’s sleep patterns are still developing and that they will need guidance to establish a consistent sleep schedule.

Personal Experience

As a new mom, I struggled to establish a sleep routine for my 9 week old baby. I would rock her to sleep every night, but she would wake up crying after a few hours. After consulting with my pediatrician, I learned that establishing a consistent sleep schedule is essential for a baby’s development.

The Importance of Sleep for Babies

Sleep is crucial for your baby’s growth and development. During sleep, your baby’s brain processes new information and develops new neural connections. It also helps your baby’s body to repair and regenerate cells.

Events and Competitions

There are various sleep training events and competitions that can help you establish a sleep schedule for your 9 week old baby. Some popular competitions include the “Sleep Sense” and “The Baby Whisperer” sleep training programs.

How to Establish a Sleep Schedule for Your 9 Week Old Baby

Here is a detailed schedule guide that can help you establish a sleep schedule for your 9 week old baby:

Daytime Sleep Schedule

– 9:00 AM: Wake up and feed your baby – 10:00 AM: Playtime – 11:00 AM: Nap time (1 hour) – 12:00 PM: Wake up and feed your baby – 1:00 PM: Playtime – 2:00 PM: Nap time (1 hour) – 3:00 PM: Wake up and feed your baby – 4:00 PM: Playtime – 5:00 PM: Nap time (30 minutes)

Nighttime Sleep Schedule

– 6:00 PM: Bathtime and bedtime routine – 7:00 PM: Feed your baby and put them to bed – 10:00 PM: Dream feed – 2:00 AM: Feed your baby – 5:00 AM: Feed your baby

Schedule Table

Time Activity
9:00 AM Wake up and feed your baby
10:00 AM Playtime
11:00 AM Nap time (1 hour)
12:00 PM Wake up and feed your baby
1:00 PM Playtime
2:00 PM Nap time (1 hour)
3:00 PM Wake up and feed your baby
4:00 PM Playtime
5:00 PM Nap time (30 minutes)
6:00 PM Bathtime and bedtime routine
7:00 PM Feed your baby and put them to bed
10:00 PM Dream feed
2:00 AM Feed your baby
5:00 AM Feed your baby

Question and Answer

Q: What if my baby doesn’t follow the schedule?

A: It’s okay if your baby doesn’t follow the schedule at first. It may take some time for them to adjust to the routine. Be patient and consistent with the schedule, and your baby will eventually adapt.

Q: Should I wake up my baby to feed them?

A: No, you should not wake up your baby to feed them. Let your baby sleep and wake up naturally for their feedings. If your baby is not gaining weight or is not waking up for feedings, consult with your pediatrician.


Q: How much sleep does a 9 week old baby need?

A: A 9 week old baby needs around 14-16 hours of sleep per day.

Q: Can I sleep train my 9 week old baby?

A: It’s not recommended to sleep train a baby until they are at least 4 months old. However, establishing a consistent sleep schedule can help your baby learn healthy sleep habits. Consult with your pediatrician for guidance on sleep training.

Q: What can I do to help my baby sleep better?

A: Some tips to help your baby sleep better include establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a soothing bedtime routine, and creating a comfortable sleep environment. Avoid feeding or rocking your baby to sleep, as this can create a sleep association. Instead, put your baby to bed drowsy but awake.

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9 Week Old Sleep Schedule