5 Month Old Puppy Schedule

5 Month Old Puppy Schedule


Bringing home a new puppy can be overwhelming, but it’s also an exciting time for any pet parent. As a responsible owner, you want to ensure that your furry friend is healthy, happy, and well-behaved. One of the essential aspects of caring for a 5-month-old puppy is establishing a daily routine. In this article, we’ll guide you through what a typical schedule looks like for your puppy and share some tips on how to create a consistent routine for them.

Personal Experience

When I brought my 5-month-old golden retriever home, I had no idea what to expect. I knew that puppies required a lot of attention and care, but I wasn’t sure how to structure my day around my furry friend’s needs. After some trial and error, I developed a schedule that worked for both of us.

Events and Competitions

As your puppy grows, you may want to participate in events or competitions. Some popular options include obedience trials, agility competitions, and dog shows. These events require a lot of preparation and training, so it’s essential to incorporate these activities into your puppy’s schedule.


Training is a critical component of any puppy’s schedule, and it should be incorporated into their daily routine. You can start with basic commands like sit, stay, and come. As your puppy becomes more proficient, you can move on to more advanced training, such as agility or obedience training.


Exercise is also an essential part of your puppy’s daily routine. Puppies have a lot of energy, and they need to burn it off through physical activity. A daily walk, playtime, or a trip to the dog park can help keep your puppy happy and healthy.


Mealtimes are an essential part of your puppy’s schedule. At 5 months old, your puppy should be eating three meals a day. Be sure to feed them at the same time each day to establish a consistent routine.

Schedule Guide

Here’s a sample schedule that you can use as a guide for your 5-month-old puppy:

7:00 am – Wake Up and Potty Time

Start your day by taking your puppy outside to go potty. Use this time to reinforce good behavior and provide positive reinforcement.

7:30 am – Breakfast

After your puppy goes potty, it’s time for breakfast. Be sure to feed them the recommended amount of food for their age and breed.

8:00 am – Playtime

After breakfast, it’s time for playtime. This is an excellent opportunity for you to bond with your puppy and provide mental and physical stimulation.

10:00 am – Nap Time

Puppies need a lot of sleep, so it’s essential to provide them with a quiet and comfortable place to rest.

12:00 pm – Lunch

Just like breakfast, lunch should be at the same time each day. Be sure to feed your puppy the recommended amount of food for their age and breed.

1:00 pm – Training Time

Incorporate training into your puppy’s daily routine. Use this time to work on basic commands or more advanced training.

3:00 pm – Playtime

Another opportunity for playtime and bonding with your puppy.

5:00 pm – Dinner

Dinner time should be at the same time each day. Be sure to feed your puppy the recommended amount of food for their age and breed.

6:00 pm – Exercise

Take your puppy for a walk or playtime to burn off some energy.

8:00 pm – Wind Down

As the evening approaches, it’s time to wind down. Provide your puppy with a quiet and comfortable place to rest.

10:00 pm – Bedtime

End the day with a potty break and some snuggles before bedtime.

Schedule Table

Here’s a table that outlines a typical schedule for a 5-month-old puppy: | Time | Activity | |——-|———-| | 7:00 am | Wake up and potty time | | 7:30 am | Breakfast | | 8:00 am | Playtime | | 10:00 am | Nap time | | 12:00 pm | Lunch | | 1:00 pm | Training time | | 3:00 pm | Playtime | | 5:00 pm | Dinner | | 6:00 pm | Exercise | | 8:00 pm | Wind down | | 10:00 pm | Bedtime |

Question and Answer

Here are some common questions and answers about a 5-month-old puppy schedule:

Q: How many meals should a 5-month-old puppy have?

A: A 5-month-old puppy should have three meals a day.

Q: How much exercise does a 5-month-old puppy need?

A: A 5-month-old puppy needs at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.

Q: Can I leave my 5-month-old puppy alone?

A: Puppies should not be left alone for more than a few hours at a time. They require a lot of attention and care.


Q: What should I do if my puppy doesn’t follow the schedule?
A: Be patient and consistent. Puppies need time to adjust to a new routine, so keep following the schedule, and they will eventually get used to it. Q: Can I adjust the schedule to fit my lifestyle?
A: Yes, you can adjust the schedule to fit your lifestyle, but try to keep it as consistent as possible. Q: What if my puppy wakes up in the middle of the night?
A: Take your puppy outside to go potty and then return them to their crate or bed. Avoid playing or stimulating them, as this can make it difficult for them to go back to sleep. In conclusion, establishing a routine for your 5-month-old puppy is essential for their health and well-being. Use this guide to create a consistent schedule that works for both you and your furry friend. Remember to be patient and consistent, and your puppy will thrive under your care.

List Of Free Printable Puppy Schedule Ideas Alexander James Freeman
List Of Free Printable Puppy Schedule Ideas Alexander James Freeman from alexanderjamesfreeman.com

5 Month Old Puppy Schedule