4 Month Old Eating Schedule

4 Month Old Eating Schedule


As a new parent, feeding your baby can be a daunting task. You want to make sure your little one is getting all the nourishment they need, but you also want to establish a feeding schedule that works for both you and your baby. In this article, we’ll discuss the recommended eating schedule for 4-month-old babies, including tips, FAQs, and a sample schedule.

Personal Experience

As a mom of two, I’ve gone through the process of establishing a feeding schedule for both of my babies. With my first child, I was overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. However, with my second child, I was more confident and had a better understanding of what to expect. I hope to share my knowledge and experience with new parents who may be going through the same thing.

What to Expect

At 4 months old, babies are typically eating every 3-4 hours. They may consume anywhere from 3-6 ounces per feeding, depending on their weight and appetite. Breastfed babies may nurse for longer periods of time, but the frequency of feedings is generally the same.

Recommended Feeding Schedule

Here is a sample feeding schedule for a 4-month-old baby:

  • 6:00 am – Wake up and feed
  • 9:00 am – Feed
  • 12:00 pm – Feed
  • 3:00 pm – Feed
  • 6:00 pm – Feed
  • 9:00 pm – Feed and bedtime
  • 12:00 am – Night feeding
  • 3:00 am – Night feeding

Tips for Feeding

– Pay attention to your baby’s hunger cues, such as rooting, sucking on their hands, or fussiness. – Don’t force your baby to finish a bottle or breastfeed if they are full. – Burp your baby after each feeding to help prevent gas and discomfort. – Offer a variety of feeding positions to find what works best for you and your baby. – Keep track of feedings and diaper changes to monitor your baby’s intake and output.


How do I know if my baby is getting enough to eat?

You can monitor your baby’s weight gain and diaper output as indicators of adequate nutrition. Your pediatrician can provide more guidance on what to look for.

Can I start introducing solid foods at 4 months?

It is recommended to wait until 6 months to introduce solid foods, unless otherwise advised by your pediatrician.

What if my baby is not interested in eating?

Babies may have off days where they are less interested in eating. However, if this persists or if you have concerns about your baby’s weight gain, consult with your pediatrician.


Establishing a feeding schedule for your 4-month-old baby can take some trial and error, but with patience and observation, you’ll find what works best for both of you. Remember to trust your instincts and seek guidance from your pediatrician when needed.

Pin by Ahmed on Staging Baby solid food, Homemade baby, Baby first foods
Pin by Ahmed on Staging Baby solid food, Homemade baby, Baby first foods from www.pinterest.co.uk

4 Month Old Eating Schedule