3 Month Sleep Schedule

3 Month Sleep Schedule


As a new parent, one of the biggest challenges is getting your baby to sleep. One method that has gained popularity in recent years is the 3 Month Sleep Schedule. In this article, I will share my personal experience with this schedule and provide tips and tricks for implementing it successfully.

What is the 3 Month Sleep Schedule?

The 3 Month Sleep Schedule is a method of sleep training for babies that aims to establish a regular sleep routine by the time the baby is 3 months old. The idea is to gradually introduce a sleep schedule that works for both the baby and the parents, helping the baby learn to fall asleep independently and sleep for longer stretches at night.

My Personal Experience

When my baby was born, I was a sleep-deprived mess. I tried everything to get her to sleep through the night, but nothing seemed to work. That’s when I discovered the 3 Month Sleep Schedule. I started implementing the schedule when my baby was 2 months old, and within a few weeks, she was sleeping for longer stretches at night. By the time she was 3 months old, she was sleeping through the night consistently.

Events and Competitions

There are several events and competitions related to the 3 Month Sleep Schedule. Some parenting websites and forums hold sleep training challenges where parents can share their experiences and tips. Additionally, there are sleep consultants who offer coaching and support for implementing the schedule.

The 3 Month Sleep Schedule Guide

Here’s a basic guide for implementing the 3 Month Sleep Schedule: Week 1: Establish a consistent bedtime routine, such as a bath, story, and lullaby. Aim for a bedtime between 7pm and 8pm. Week 2: Start putting your baby down drowsy but awake. This will help them learn to fall asleep independently. Week 3: Introduce a dream feed, where you feed your baby while they’re still sleeping, around 10pm or 11pm. This can help them sleep for longer stretches at night. Week 4: Start stretching out the time between feeds at night. Aim for at least 3 hours between feeds. Week 5: Make sure your baby is getting enough daytime sleep. Aim for 3 naps during the day, each lasting around 1-2 hours. Week 6: Continue to stretch out the time between feeds at night, aiming for 4-5 hours between feeds. Week 7: Your baby should be sleeping for longer stretches at night by now, but if they’re not, don’t worry. Keep following the schedule and be consistent. Week 8: Start to transition your baby to their own room if they’re currently sleeping in your room. Week 9: Your baby should be sleeping through the night consistently by now. If they’re not, consult a sleep consultant for additional support.

The 3 Month Sleep Schedule Table

Here’s a table that outlines the 3 Month Sleep Schedule: Week | Bedtime Routine | Drowsy but Awake | Dream Feed | Time between Feeds | Daytime Naps —- | ————– | —————- | ———- | —————– | ———— 1 | Bath, Story, Lullaby | No | No | N/A | 3 naps 2 | Bath, Story, Lullaby | Yes | No | N/A | 3 naps 3 | Bath, Story, Lullaby | Yes | Yes | 3 hours | 3 naps 4 | Bath, Story, Lullaby | Yes | Yes | 3-4 hours | 3 naps 5 | Bath, Story, Lullaby | Yes | Yes | 4 hours | 3 naps 6 | Bath, Story, Lullaby | Yes | Yes | 4-5 hours | 3 naps 7 | Bath, Story, Lullaby | Yes | Yes | 4-5 hours | 3 naps 8 | Bath, Story, Lullaby | Yes | Yes | 5 hours | 3 naps 9 | Bath, Story, Lullaby | Yes | No | 5 hours | 3 naps

Question and Answer

Q: When should I start implementing the 3 Month Sleep Schedule? A: You can start implementing the schedule when your baby is around 2 months old. Q: What if my baby doesn’t sleep through the night by 3 months? A: Every baby is different, and some may take longer to establish a regular sleep routine. Keep following the schedule and be consistent. Q: Can I still breastfeed while following the 3 Month Sleep Schedule? A: Yes, you can still breastfeed while following the schedule. Just make sure you’re stretching out the time between feeds at night to encourage longer stretches of sleep.


Q: Will the 3 Month Sleep Schedule work for every baby? A: No, every baby is different, and some may require different sleep training methods. Consult a sleep consultant for additional support if needed. Q: Is the 3 Month Sleep Schedule safe for my baby? A: Yes, the 3 Month Sleep Schedule is a safe and gentle method of sleep training. Q: Can I deviate from the schedule if needed? A: Yes, you can deviate from the schedule if needed. Just make sure you’re consistent with your bedtime routine and drowsy but awake approach. In conclusion, the 3 Month Sleep Schedule can be a helpful tool for establishing a regular sleep routine for your baby. By following the schedule and being consistent, you can help your baby learn to fall asleep independently and sleep for longer stretches at night. Remember to be patient and flexible, as every baby is different and may require different sleep training methods.

3 Month Old Sleep Schedule Babywise Sample Daily Routine Baby
3 Month Old Sleep Schedule Babywise Sample Daily Routine Baby from www.pinterest.com

3 Month Sleep Schedule