11 Week Old Puppy Schedule

11 Week Old Puppy Schedule


Getting a new puppy can be both exciting and overwhelming. You want to give your furry friend the best possible care, but you may not know where to start. One of the most important aspects of caring for a puppy is establishing a schedule. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to creating an 11 week old puppy schedule.

Our Personal Experience

Before we dive into the details, let’s share our personal experience with creating a schedule for our 11 week old puppy. When we first brought our puppy home, we were unsure of how to structure our day. We quickly realized that establishing a routine was crucial for both our puppy’s well-being and our own sanity. We found that sticking to a consistent schedule helped our puppy feel more secure and reduced his anxiety.

List of Events or Competition of 11 Week Old Puppy Schedule

– Feeding times – Potty breaks – Playtime – Training sessions – Naptime – Bedtime

The Importance of a Schedule

Establishing a schedule for your puppy is important for several reasons. First, it helps your puppy develop a sense of routine and structure. This can help reduce anxiety and make your puppy feel more secure. Additionally, a consistent schedule can help with potty training and behavior training. When your puppy knows when to expect food, playtime, and potty breaks, they are more likely to develop good habits.

Creating a Schedule

Now let’s get into the nitty-gritty of creating an 11 week old puppy schedule. Here is a rough outline of what your puppy’s day might look like:

Detail Schedule Guide for 11 Week Old Puppy Schedule

7:00am- Wake up and potty break

Start your day by taking your puppy outside for a potty break. This is also a good time for a short walk or some playtime.

7:30am- Breakfast

After your puppy has had some exercise, it’s time for breakfast. Stick to a consistent feeding schedule to help with potty training.

8:00am- Training session

Use this time to work on basic obedience training with your puppy. Keep sessions short and fun to keep your puppy engaged.

9:00am- Naptime

Puppies need lots of rest, so it’s important to build naptime into your schedule. Provide a comfortable spot for your puppy to sleep.

11:00am- Potty break and playtime

Take your puppy outside for another potty break and some playtime. This is a good opportunity to work on socialization skills.

12:00pm- Lunchtime

Feed your puppy lunch at the same time each day to help establish a routine.

1:00pm- Naptime

Another naptime to help your puppy recharge.

3:00pm- Potty break and playtime

Take your puppy outside for another potty break and play session.

4:00pm- Training session

Another short training session to work on obedience and behavior.

5:00pm- Dinner

Feed your puppy dinner at the same time as breakfast and lunch.

6:00pm- Potty break and playtime

Another opportunity for outdoor playtime and potty training.

7:00pm- Wind-down time

Help your puppy wind down by providing some quiet time and relaxation.

8:00pm- Bedtime

Provide a comfortable bed for your puppy to sleep in and establish a consistent bedtime routine.

Schedule Table for 11 Week Old Puppy Schedule

Time Activity
7:00am Wake up and potty break
7:30am Breakfast
8:00am Training session
9:00am Naptime
11:00am Potty break and playtime
12:00pm Lunchtime
1:00pm Naptime
3:00pm Potty break and playtime
4:00pm Training session
5:00pm Dinner
6:00pm Potty break and playtime
7:00pm Wind-down time
8:00pm Bedtime


Q: How often should I take my puppy outside for a potty break?

A: At 11 weeks old, your puppy should be taken outside every 2-3 hours. You may need to take them out more frequently if they have had a lot to drink or have been playing vigorously.

Q: How long should training sessions be?

A: Training sessions should be kept short, around 10-15 minutes at a time. Puppies have short attention spans, so it’s important to keep sessions fun and engaging.

Q: What should I do if my puppy isn’t sleeping during naptime?

A: If your puppy is having trouble settling down for naptime, try providing a comfortable and quiet space for them to rest. You can also try playing calming music or providing a special toy or blanket for comfort.


Creating an 11 week old puppy schedule is an important part of providing the best possible care for your furry friend. By establishing a routine, you can help your puppy feel more secure and develop good habits. Remember to be consistent and patient, and you’ll be on your way to a happy and healthy puppy!

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Puppy Training Schedule Puppy training schedule, Puppy training tips from www.pinterest.com

11 Week Old Puppy Schedule