10 Week Old Sleep Schedule

10 Week Old Sleep Schedule


As a parent, we know that a good night’s sleep is essential for both the baby and the parents. However, getting your 10-week old baby to sleep through the night can be a challenging task. In this article, we will provide you with some tips and guidelines to help establish a healthy sleep schedule for your 10-week old baby.

Personal Experience:

As a new parent, I have experienced the struggles of getting my 10-week old baby to sleep through the night. It was a challenging task, but with the help of some research and following a strict schedule, we were able to establish a healthy sleep schedule for our baby.

List of Events:

There are several events and competitions related to baby sleep schedules, such as the Baby Sleep Challenge, where parents share their experiences and tips for establishing a healthy sleep schedule for their babies.

Detail Schedule Guide:

A 10-week old baby should be getting around 14-17 hours of sleep per day. To establish a healthy sleep schedule, it’s important to create a routine and stick to it. Here is an example of a 10-week old sleep schedule: – 6:30 am – Wake up and feed – 7:30 am – Playtime – 8:30 am – Nap – 10:30 am – Wake up and feed – 11:30 am – Playtime – 12:30 pm – Nap – 2:30 pm – Wake up and feed – 3:30 pm – Playtime – 4:30 pm – Nap – 6:30 pm – Wake up and feed – 7:30 pm – Bedtime routine (bath, book, and soothing) – 8:00 pm – Bedtime

Schedule Table:

Here’s a schedule table to make it easier for you to follow: | Time | Activity | | ————- |:————-:| | 6:30 am | Wake up and feed | | 7:30 am | Playtime | | 8:30 am | Nap | | 10:30 am | Wake up and feed | | 11:30 am | Playtime | | 12:30 pm | Nap | | 2:30 pm | Wake up and feed | | 3:30 pm | Playtime | | 4:30 pm | Nap | | 6:30 pm | Wake up and feed | | 7:30 pm | Bedtime routine | | 8:00 pm | Bedtime |

Question and Answer:

Q1. What if my baby doesn’t follow the schedule?

A1. It’s normal for babies to have different sleep patterns. If your baby doesn’t follow the schedule, try to adjust it to fit their needs.

Q2. What if my baby wakes up in the middle of the night?

A2. It’s normal for babies to wake up in the middle of the night. Try to soothe them back to sleep without feeding them, as they may become dependent on feeding to fall asleep.

Q3. When should I start sleep training my baby?

A3. It’s recommended to start sleep training at around 4-6 months of age, but it’s never too early to establish healthy sleep habits.


Q1. How can I soothe my baby to sleep?

A1. Some soothing techniques include swaddling, rocking, and singing lullabies.

Q2. How can I create a relaxing environment for my baby?

A2. Creating a relaxing environment can include playing white noise, using a dim light, and keeping the room at a comfortable temperature.

Q3. Should I wake my baby up for feedings?

A3. It’s recommended to let your baby sleep, but if they haven’t fed in 4-5 hours, it’s okay to wake them up for a feeding. In conclusion, establishing a healthy sleep schedule for your 10-week old baby can be challenging, but with patience and determination, it can be achieved. Remember to create a routine, stick to it, and adjust it to fit your baby’s needs. Happy sleeping!

Comprehensive Sleep Guidelines for Infants Through Adolescents Sleep
Comprehensive Sleep Guidelines for Infants Through Adolescents Sleep from www.pinterest.com

10 Week Old Sleep Schedule